Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hybrid Vehicles Is It True A 'Hybrid' Vehicles Battery Production Causes More Pollution Than Conventional Vehicles?

Is it true a 'Hybrid' vehicles battery production causes more pollution than conventional vehicles? - hybrid vehicles

There is a rumor that I heard that the battery of a hybrid type in Canada begins (mining and processing), are transported to Europe, Asia and then to develop vehicles for sale: And the cost of production more damage to the environment than gasoline vehicles. (The rumor still more to say than a Humvee!). Any site with a REAL (no arguments) to prove one way or another?
If that's true, you can click on the search for alternatives.


Jay said...

In fact, the hybrid has not been created in the interest of the environment, but in the interest of the people who want to save on oil products in the future. Reducing end of the supply of oil should cost more in the future. and the more you save on fuel with hybrid technology if you spend your hard-earned money, the depletion of these resources. Given that, apart from keeping the smoke and chemicals from the battery to worry.

Jay said...

In fact, the hybrid has not been created in the interest of the environment, but in the interest of the people who want to save on oil products in the future. Reducing end of the supply of oil should cost more in the future. and the more you save on fuel with hybrid technology if you spend your hard-earned money, the depletion of these resources. Given that, apart from keeping the smoke and chemicals from the battery to worry.

Dana1981, Master of Science said...

No, that is) one of the many myths about ridiculous hybrids (in general, especially the Prius.

In fact, 80-90% of the life energy of a car used during the operation, and only 5-10% during the production. Therefore, it makes no sense that (the transport of the battery is a component of the car is in any case) would create more "pollution" of a conventional car than during the operating period (while driving), uses much less energy in the hybrid education and the environment less polluted.

For more information, please visit this link:

http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2007/8/ ...

To the published statistics, click on the subject of the Pacific Institute study is to see this page.

EMT-B said...

To cause not only the production of hybrids more pollution. But when they reached the end, when the utilization of the elimination of hybrids, leading to more toxic material for disposal of the drums.
more than most hybrids will increase by 2 or more changes in the life of the vehicle battery. whether owners can afford to have his successor.
i some cases, the batteries will not be long until the car is paid for.
they will pay for new batteries and car payments anyway.
and my pages are a source of toxic hazards.

gomanyes... said...

No, this is not true. However, there is currently such a hybrid products that are low overhead (both in money and environmental damage) per car is higher than ordinary cars. This is correct as production increases. But what good is the car that is certainly a cleaner burning and less oil.

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