Sunday, January 31, 2010

Symptoms Stomach Ulcer What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Stomach Ulcer And What Is The Best Treatment?

What are the signs and symptoms of a stomach ulcer and what is the best treatment? - symptoms stomach ulcer

A stomach or a gastric ulcer is a break in the fabric along the stomach. The stomach ulcer term refers to those in the stomach or the first part of the small intestine occur in the stomach, duodenum occurs.
The symptoms of a stomach ulcer can include:

Abdominal pain below the rib cage
Weight Loss
Altered blood in vomit or stool (occasionally)
The symptoms of anemia, such as dizziness.
Treatment Options
Special diets are now known to have little impact on the prevention or treatment of gastric ulcers. Treatment options include:
Medicines - including antibiotics, the destruction of the colony of H. pylori and drugs to speed up the healing process. Several drugs should be used in combination, can be some side effects are diarrhea and rashes. The resistance to some of these antibiotics is increasingly common.
Subsequent breath tests - used to ensure that theH. pylori infection be treated successfully.
Changes to existing medications - the doses of drugs to treat arthritis, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory can be easily modified to help reduce the impact to stomach ulcers.
Reduction of acid - tablets are available to reduce the acidity in the gastric juice.
Habits change - like stop smoking, because smoking reduces the natural defenses of the stomach and slows the healing process.


works 4 me said...

thats an ........ If in doubt, simply go to your doctor and ask --

einreb said...

Bad breath, heartburn, regurgitation, changes are usually treated with a combination of medicines and food

♥ †@ÿŁƏƏ♥ said...

The main symptom of an ulcer is a burning sensation or pain in the stomach area that lasts between 30 minutes and 3 hours. This pain is often interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger. The pain usually occurs in the upper abdomen, but sometimes this can occur below the breastbone. For some people, the pain occurs immediately after eating. In other cases, the pain may not occur until hours after eating. The pain is often the person wakes in the night. Weeks of pain can not after a week in pain. The pain can be relieved by drinking milk, eating, resting or taking antacids.

The appetite and weight loss are other symptoms. People with ulcers Doudenal May experience weight gain because people eat more in order to alleviate the discomfort. Recurrent vomiting, blood in stool and anemia are other symptoms.

caffsans said...

Stomach very bloated and after eating spicy foods = You can spit and blood = better to have a doctor on the right side are uncomfortable for you med

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